This form should be used to record safeguarding concerns. In an emergency please do not delay in informing the police or social services. All the information will be treated as confidential. Please complete the form as fully as possible.

Your details - the person completing the form

Please enter a First name

Please enter Surname

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Please enter a valid email
Please select at least one of the options
Details of the person affected

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Please enter Surname

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Please enter a valid email

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Please enter some text

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Please select at least one of the options
Details of the incident (please describe in detail using only the facts)

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Other present or potential witnesses

Please enter a First name

Please enter Surname

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Please enter a valid email

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Please enter some text

Please enter some text

Additional relevant information (please detail anything else that you believe helpful or important)

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I have completed this form and provided information that is factual and does not contain my own view

Please enter a First name

Please enter Surname

Please enter a valid date

If in doubt about anything then please contact the Parish Safeguarding Officer.